Shaili Sinha
Tired, weary eyes
Won't you ever just say goodbye?
A leaf falls gracefully down
Your face turns into more of a frown
Gently picking it up
You examine it, as if it could blowup
And so you let go of the leaf
Sighing in relief
At least no one’s there…watching you
You face the window: sky painted a majestic blue
The stars shimmering in the dark night,
You smile for once, everything’s alright
You turn around and leave the room
On your right, a flower blooms
And maybe, just maybe you’ll be okay
A spark of hope flickers in your eyes
The ones usually filled with dismay
The door slams shut, echoing behind you
You’ll look to see anyone will jump out of the blue
And safe to assume you walk away
Everything is nice
You blink, twice
Tired, weary eyes
You’ve finally said goodbye