My Choice, or Yours?
This is important to me. Isn’t it crazy how when you find something that you truly care about everything else just seems so small and insignificant?
I don’t think abortion can be split nor categorized. I can’t really say I’m not pro-choice, and I can’t really say I’m not pro-life. I support the health of mothers and the health of babies alike. As someone looking to go into the medical field, I agree when Mama Doctor Jones, an OBGYN, says, “How close to death does a mother need to be in order for medical help to be allowed?”
There are insane headlines. “GOP Texas Lawmaker introduces bill to allow death penalty for women who have abortions.” Insane tweets. “How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?” What in the world is the death penalty doing in this argument? What in the world is over-educated? What in the world are all these people saying?
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) going bonkers. “’This was despicable, it was dangerous, and it was dumb. ... If it’s a conservative [who leaked the draft ruling], you are a traitor to the cause. If it’s a liberal, you are the dumbest person in Washington because it is not going to change the midterms. You are not going to scare any conservative judge away from repealing Roe v. Wade—and it should be repealed, it should go back to the states—and you are adding a narrative to a storyline that you want to win and you don’t give a damn about how you win.’” What in the world is this attitude? What in the world is this tone?
I’m just so angry at the world. I don’t want to see ANYONE’S face on the television. I don’t want to see Joe Biden, I don’t want to see Kamala Harris, I don’t want to see anyone. They all just make me sick.
I’m not trying to say that the war in Ukraine, or gas prices/inflation, or the baby formula shortage aren’t big deals. But I just want Biden to do something. Or SOMEONE to do something. It’s easy to say—I know—but at this point what else am I supposed to do? I’m not old enough to vote, and despite trying my best to educate myself, I feel helpless.
The fact that my friends and I might grow up in a system where we can’t make decisions about our OWN BODIES is terrifying. I don’t need a 60-year-old politician to tell me what I can and can’t do about my body. That’s exactly what medical professionals are for. Nobody will ever understand what you’re honestly going through UNTIL they go through it themselves. And what’s the chance of a 60-year old cisgender, biologically male politician getting pregnant or having to make the decision of getting an abortion? Given, I don’t know what it’s like to get pregnant. But I’ve heard mother’s voices crack when they talk about their situations. I’ve seen teen mom's tears when they talk about their experiences. I’ve seen, looked, heard, felt. Even if a medical professional hasn’t gotten pregnant, they still have medical training and advice that allows them to give proper medical advice to patients.
Why does the government need to be so involved in all of this? It feels like the government’s getting 99% involved in the decision making process when all the debate should be about is listening to medical professionals and women and making sure their voices get written into the law.
The bottom line is screaming at me: I cannot live in a system where I do not have choice over my own body. I cannot live in a system where women are not allowed to choose their own health. I cannot live in a system that denies the right of healthcare to women who both need and deserve it.