They Say “You Matter”
Ishmeet Dhillon
Your eyes dictate the fire in your soul,
Your hands grasp the soil of the Earth,
Your hair spills like the water and flows in the air, And I know you matter, for all that it’s worth.
You are a flower among the rest,
A beauty in the face of the Mother,
You bloom and smile and wilt,
I know you matter, like every other.
You are a droplet of water,
In a sea of several billion,
The waves ripple the same,
You matter, and so does your opinion.
You are a free bird,
Singing in your special season,
Entertaining the garden of the puppeteer, You matter, but you need to find your reason.
You are small,
But you are strong,
Your role in the world says it all,
You matter, and trust me, I am not wrong. You matter.
The fur on a bear,
Like the fins of a shark,
The leaves on a rose,
And a tree’s bark.
The rain to the sun,
And the night to the day.
Know that you do matter,
Make your own stairway.
You are fragile in an earthquake, You’re the wind in the hurricane of entity, You stand up straight and tall,
And create your own identity.
You won’t have a driver,
You have to navigate your own car, Start at the first avenue,
You matter for who you are.
You matter because you breathe, You matter because you live,
You matter in every element,
Because you have something to give.
Like the bear and the flower, The water and the day, The garden and the fire, “You matter,” they say. You matter.