a poem about nothing
J. H.
i don’t know what this poem is about
i ran out of ideas weeks ago
the last poem of substance i wrote
was for my mom’s birthday
three years ago
but i read a quote by robert frost
“i have never started a poem yet whose end i knew”
and i realized
i just need to keep writing
i looked at the greats
sappho, frost, dickinson, poe, angelou (the list goes on)
and all i see are people
but people, who wanted to write
they needed to write so badly
the words just flowed out of them like water
or so we think
i think they spent hours perfecting their craft
locked in their rooms, doing nothing but
making it look easy to the average eye
they probably had writer's block at some point
and so it’s not so bad that i have it too
because i just need to perfect my craft
i may not be a sylvia plath or t.s. eliot
but i am a poet
so i keep writing
i keep writing my poems about nothing
hoping that one day
i’ll write a poem about something