Kevin Zhu
The last major uttered his final orders
To his last soldier with his final breaths
Back bent with age
Back bent with the weight of all the unspoken letters
Between the sender and the receiver
Live like the azaleas in the winter
Covering the frozen path with rain of their petals
Giving life to the cold world we walk on
Live, and live,
Live like the roses that unfold in autumn
Thorns and petals and stem and all
Proud and free with no shame in its mettle and spine
Live, live, and live!
Live like the carnations that crop up in summer
Joy incarnate and incandescent
Lighting up faces with tears and smiles
And keep living!
Live like the violets that bloom as spring emerges anew
From the frozen tundra of your heart
A tiny, clear lake of meltwater will appear
Giving life to countless violets
Perennial, everlasting
Each one an eternal garden on its own
And then die.
Then you will burn, and die.
Because a flower that never wilts
Is only plastic
A sun that never sets
Brings only drought
And a life with no end
Is not worth living.
No, major,
Whispered the soldier
I don’t need orders
To live.