portrait girl
zaynah shah
a bound plane of soft white medium
within a terrain of stitches and strings
posture stiffened by a wooden corset
angles straight and tied up by silver rings
synthetic hair tied to a sturdy mast
dipped into pigments folded to a paste
adds layers on an inviting canvas
rise and fall leaving no detail misplaced
confined to geometric parallels
she awakes conscious only to be trapped
by the holding sharp strokes and rigid lines
keeping every aspect of her kidnapped
with each oval added her eyes open
two spots in her world that allow her sight
hazel irises view the captive world
but craning her neck makes her see the plight
caged in the background of a fair portrait
dotted flowers appear around her hem
magical and surreal almost as if
she was caught in a place built on mayhem
a cruel punishment for a world that she
had never wanted to live in and yet
living in a beauty she could never
appreciate smoke of a cigarette
a silhouette unwillingly living
restricted to peripheral vision
unable to understand her purpose
pondering her worth in split decision
hundreds of years may slowly start to turn
from the inside of a glass case she waits
for a day she may break from the hardened
shell that traps her in cold museum gates
body glossed over and limbs protruding
from a shape she never chose to live with
muscles aching but no voice to cry out
yearning an escape while living a myth