the girl encounters darkness
Claire McNerney
the storm is passing over,
and with it silver linings —
it leaves behind a sky so dark
you could drown in it,
beyond a void, a maw, a live
and writhing darkness
hungrier than any ocean trench.
animals accustomed to the deepest
seas would feel blinded by this
unending night
and you are a creature of light,
fifteen and a half and you
thought you knew what it was like
to feel powerful
until you met the moonless night —
so much older and vaster and stronger,
and despite your youth you ache
in the small of your back and the roots of your hair,
with a desire to be
that, to be that, to be that
then comes in a cloud
breaking up the darkness
and your worshipful awe fades,
though you will forever feel this
deepest darkness inside you,
and you nurture it always